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Midlifecrisisman Posted - 12 Aug 2015 : 08:04:09
Hi guys,
We left the UK on 28th July, drove down through France via Lyon, did the Gorges du Verdun and de Loup on to Nice, along the coast through Monaco taking in part of the Grand Prix circuit before heading into Italy along the coast as far as Genova and then up to The lakes and we have not seen a single other MR2 the entire trip. Had many admiring looks and comments but not one fellow 2. Leaving Lugano today and heading for Como. Then one final night in Bossico before catching the overnight motor rail from Verona to Düsseldorf then Antwerp then home. We are in a silver mk3 give us a flash if you see us. Posted a quick shout out last night with my number to txt but no reply. Mike
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Decosta Posted - 03 Jul 2017 : 07:55:08
Originally posted by Midlifeecrisisman

Hi Alex,
Thanks for your reply, I was hoping to perhaps meet up with a few other 2 drivers but no one else has replied. It's been a brilliant trip and the car has drawn a few admiring glances on the way. Didn't realise there are so few MR2s about, in UK we regularly see another one at least once a day when driving.

Nice MR2!
Midlifecrisisman Posted - 13 Aug 2015 : 11:29:00
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your reply, I was hoping to perhaps meet up with a few other 2 drivers but no one else has replied. It's been a brilliant trip and the car has drawn a few admiring glances on the way. Didn't realise there are so few MR2s about, in UK we regularly see another one at least once a day when driving. Anyway tomorrow we move on to Bosicco then the overnight train to Düsseldorf before one last night in Antwerp before heading home. 18 days total but girlfriend is running out of clean underwear and I'm getting
fed up of washing them for her so probably time to head home anyway. Cheers, mike
alex82 Posted - 12 Aug 2015 : 13:38:34
Hello... i wish someone answer soon to your request!

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